::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::交流道上的偶然:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 一. 那方婆婆首次探訪年輕人的對話
教育交流道上的朋友: 您好! 您想與我直接談談有關現今的教育問題嗎?或是人生的價值觀? 又或分享你的生命體驗!?
那方 2003.5.17
我們的世界教育交流道在:MSU網站裡, 進入後打 venus@7411.hotmail.com 個人聊天室
@ 現在我初次進入這個年輕人的團體; 請看我是如何開始我的教育交流使命吧! @
那方: 嗨! 您好我是那方! Chao:welcome.....na fan Chao:haha.... lin93:hahaha... Chao:hi, kelly sahuarohallin93:hi kelly EthanChao:where are you, na fan? 那方:對不起我寫中文可以嗎? Chao:當然,剛剛因為轉不過來所以用英文 那方:我是加拿大的中文老師的老師 Chao:這是繞口令嗎?中文老師的老師? Chao:那應該算是比中文老師中文更厲害的中文老師嗎? 那方:對不起我是初次上網聊天不熟悉要請您指教 lin93:hahaha...i am the first time too Chao:sahu, he is so humble... lin93:yeah.. Chao:你不要客氣啦!你在加拿大嗎? 那方:是的, 我是教大人如何教中文的老師, 您呢? 那方:您們想學中文嗎? Chao:我是一個工程師 我比較想學台灣國語 那方:是嗎? 您的中文很不錯嘛! Chao:sahu, do you think he is serious? lin93:not sure Chao:我的中文其實很破喔! lin93:really? 那方:您現在在哪裡工作或是讀書呢? Chao:sahu, you need not be as serious as him, I am kidding to him lin93:oh. Chao:我是工程師,你不專心聽,打屁股一次 Chao:sahu, do you think he is a chinese? lin93:i don't know 那方:很對不起我的英文很破用中文好嗎? Chao:你好像還沒跟我說你現在人在哪裡? 那方:我不是說我在加拿大嗎? Chao:I was talking to the kind sahu,....not him...of god Chao:我在台灣 ,你是中國人或台灣人嗎? 那方:很好我是台灣來的 Chao:sahu, I guess he is very old...I imagine... lin93:i guess so Chao:真的?我住台北喔 那方:當然是中國人也是加拿大人嘛 Chao:你怎麼會去加拿大啊? 那方:你住台北哪裡呢? Chao:我住在中山北路二段你知道嗎? Chao:sahu, are in taipei as well? lin93:yes 那方:知道, 我移民已有十年了 那方:我住在台北溝子口 Chao:是一個地方嗎? 那方:溝子口在景美 Chao:喔! 想不想念台灣? 那方:想雖想但我喜歡溫哥華 Chao:now you can type in chinese... Chao:我有一個好朋友的老婆也在溫哥華帶著兩個小朋友,很偉大也很厲害 Chao:你一個人在加拿大嗎? lin93:ask him how old he is Chao:喔!你幾年沒回來台灣了 那方:我去年還回台北呢! Chao:你還有三個問題沒有回答我 Chao:sahu, you can type in chinese, don't let me alone lin93:i..i am considering to join you two or not 那方:對不起我是一個老太婆呀! 比不上您們年輕人 Chao:老太婆?哈哈 lin93:hahaha... Chao:look, I guessed right Chao:我也蠻老的 lin93:I thought it's he not she 那方:我應該已回答您的問題了吧 Chao:that proves women react slower than men... lin93:I still have no idea why she chose to join this chat room Chao:問題一:當木魚掉到水裡會變成神麼? 那方:木魚掉水會變神的話, 那你如掉水就變仙了 Chao:好吧!既然你這麼厲害,那我問第二個問題好了 那方:問吧 Chao:問題二:你幾歲? 那方:老太婆的年齡還用問嘛? 當然是老掉牙的年齡囉! Chao:sahu,your turn... 那方:您難道是一位女工程師嗎? Chao:問題三:老掉牙的年齡是幾歲? 我是老掉牙的雄性工程師 那方:您認為幾歲就是幾歲; 請注意小孩子也是無牙族呢! Chao:sahu, I have asked, but she doesn't want to answer me.. lin93:well can't help you...hahaha... Chao:你怎麼會想到光臨敝聊天室? lin93:good question Chao:不小心誤闖?還是........ lin93:I have no idea what she is talking about?? Chao:me.............................too..................... 那方:我不來此如何與您交談呢?有緣吧! Chao:喔!你一個人在加拿大嗎? 那方:我現在剩兩個人, 其他的人都睡了 Chao:怎麼這麼多人?阿婆...你那邊是怎樣? 那方:我家有老公 兒女 孫子 媳婦還有房客....... Chao:很少有老人家很晚還不睡的 lin93:is she ghost? Chao:婆婆有一顆赤子之心 那方:答的好! 老人失眠睡不著才要找人聊聊天嘛! Chao:I start to think she is pretending that she is old and she doesn't speak english, so, be careful lin93:ok Chao:為啥失眠?被老公欺負? 那方:您答對了一半!老婆婆晚睡, 想找人說話呢!! Chao:等一下喔! 那方:您難道不知道老人的睡眠少嗎? 失眠才好! 不失眠一睡不起才糟糕 呢! 那方:93: Sorry I can't with English talk for you 那方:老婆婆出關童心猶在呢! Chao 不告而別; 太晚了我也去睡了6個鐘頭以後發現他們還在聊 @@
Chao:那方!今天下午真的很對不起 Chao:各位!這位那方很恐怖喔!跟他過幾招看看 Jake:It seems that most of the people want to be there around Aug. Nan:haha.. how horrible.. 白白向前衝:大家都好強哦~~~我的媽呀~!! Chao:I see, but the biggest problem for me is that I don't receive I-20 so far Jake:?? Chao:白,你說對了 Nan:Jake , are you going to enroll U of Iowa too? Chao:那個那方真的可以當你的媽了 Jake:I get the admission letter from the dep. around early April Nan:呵呵congratulations.. Jake:and the Admission confirm my materials around April 20 Nan Nan:UI is a good school.. Chao:那方婆婆,不要跟我賭氣嘛!說說話啊 Jake:I got I-20 last week SuJake:It's a very time to wait their I-20 Nan2959:by the way,sujake, how much is your tuition and fees? EthanChao:I got I-20 from syracuse and isu, that will be a problem later 白白向前衝:I have to go~~ Chao:不多留一下? 白白向前衝:tomorrow have something to deal Jake:Nan:Ya(Sorry for answering so late) Nan:hmm.. Nan2959:ok.. EthanChao:ok, be good Nan2959:haha..have a good night.. 白白向前衝:明天還見的到你們~~!!嗎 Nan:by the way,sujake, how much is your tuition and fees? Chao:I hope so.... Nan2959:me too.. 白白向前衝:Chao, someone gotta open this chat then 白白向前衝:can u give my ur MSN 白白向前衝:oh I see Nan:If I can pass the TA Certification Test, I will receive the scholarship. Otherwise tuition almost the same as MBA students. EthanChao:ethanchao@yam.com EthanChao:I hope I can see you tomorrow EthanChao:那方婆婆..... 白白向前衝:this is my / fafashui@hotmail.com 那方:早! 那方起來了 Nan:hmm..I would like to know how much your estimated tuition and fees, may I? Chao:I got it.. 白白向前衝:不要一直叫人家婆婆~~這樣當然會生氣 白白向前衝:good nigth everyone ~~~~ 白白向前衝: Chao:你自己問她幾歲了 Chao:good night
Chao:那方婆婆....... 白白向前衝:那方婆婆....... 88~~今天沒機會跟你們聊聊,改天見~~ 白白向前衝:see u all Nan:haha.. Chao:jake, do you resolve the housing problem? 那方:嗨!我是那方我已睡醒了 你們還在聊啊!? Jake:Nan: The I-20 write about $5000 a year, and they write that based on the residence tuition(When they offer scholarships) Nan:hmm..how about the out-state tuition? Chao:今天下午真的很抱歉 我有急事突然離開...... Jake:Nan: If no scholarships, I think it's about $15000 a year Nan:mine is approriate 14500 per year.. Jake:Ethan: not yet I plan to find the house there Nan:how about your living expenses? Chao:那方,你又睡著了?老人就是老人 Chao:那方婆婆還是不理我? Nan:呵呵 婆婆妳好啊 Jake:Nan: Management Science,, Chao:you 2 are in same major 那方:對不起我可馬上要出門了, 我有讀書會; 希望能夠再與您們聊 Chao:好吧!不要跌倒了 Jack:that's cool..you mean your concentration is IS? Chao:加拿大現在是白天早上